Sunday, June 22, 2008

New Game

This is our newest family game that we love. We are always on the lookout for a good game that we can all play. Right now, all of our games are in storage, so we went to Walmart last night and picked up a few new ones. This game is a great one. It's similar to UNO, which we also love, but different enough to have something new. It says ages 7 and up, so I wasn't sure how Dylan, age 4 would do. But he loved it. He spreads his cards out in front of him since he can't hold them in his hand without dropping. It's pretty fun and keeps you on your toes. We also bought Monopoly Town which is a very simplified kid's version. Courtney and Dylan really liked it. Any good games you like to play with your kids?


Kim said...

sounds fun. playing uno with you guys is very intimidating--with the cut-throat rules. but very fun. i'll have to check this game out. i'm a little tired of sorry and go fish.

Jayleen said...

We went through a game phase at Christmas time and haven't really played much since. Kim got us Blockus for Christmas although it's for older kids we love it even though Jeff beats the pants off of us.