Monday, June 16, 2008


This is what we found on Max the other day. So gross! It hadn't stuck its head in yet, thank goodness. I HATE TICKS!


Kim said...

gross. one drawback to this southern living--so many creepy crawlies. when we first moved here, and justin was doing farming (thank goodness that didn't last long) he would come home almost every day with a tick crawling around on him. ugh. major heebie jeebies.

Jayleen said...

That is a definate EWWWWW. I hate spiders, bugs and anything creepy crawly!

Kate said...

I HATE ticks too!!! When we moved into our new house a year ago, we discovered a HUGE HUGE HUGE tick problem. Our dog literally had hundreds of ticks, and I found 2 in the house. We have had to pay $50 per month for the past year for a special pest control service with an extra tick treatment. It took about 5 months to get rid of them, and our poor dog had to get all sorts of medicine and treatments too. It was a very expensive problem. I'm glad none of my kids ever got bit. (But I wouldn't let them play in the back yard for 6 months. Stupid stupid ticks. (And annoying previous homeowners who let the problem get SO out of control. Although they say they had NO idea.)