Wednesday, August 4, 2010

All I Want For Christmas . . .

Way back in June, Dylan lost both of his front teeth, on the same day!

The first one was very loose, and during his t-ball game, it fell out somewhere on the field. He couldn't find it, but was okay with not actually having it in his hand.

Later that day, while playing in the kiddie pool with Travis, his second one fell out. It wasn't as loose, but he worked it hard. This time he made sure to hang on to it so he'd have something to put under his pillow that night.

The tooth fairy came, left him double the money, and he's happy as can be. He has a little lisp that we laugh about. I try to get him to say lots of things with an S. And we laugh together.

So here it is, 2 months later, and those 2 teeth are still missing. The new ones haven't come in yet. I think he may actually get to sing, "All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth."

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