Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pine Lake, a great find!

I wanted to do something fun with the kids on Veterens Day to get us out of the house, have a little fun, but not spend much money. I found this blog all about a great little spot, Pine Lake, only about 15 minutes away. It's small, with a paved path all the way around, about 2 miles long. There's a playground, lots of picnic benches, ducks and geese and turtles and squirrels. We walked around the lake and fed the ducks. We found the turtles sunning themselves on a log. Then we had a little picnic and played on the playround for a while. It was just a perfect fall day, crisp air, just cool enough for jackets but still beautiful enough to not want to go inside. I told the kids we'll have to go back another day with their bikes so we can walk further around the lake, (the 2 boys got a little tired.) I took a ton of pictures, but something was wrong with my camera. Most of them came out with a pink hue and too exposed. I was able to use a few of them by turning them black and white, and then the last few were okay. So here's what I was able to salvage, but I'm sure we'll be back lots for more pictures.

----- Feeding the ducks -----

----- Fun on the playground -----

1 comment:

Kim said...

Gracie said she wants to come feed the ducks with you guys. What a nice place so close.