We took a field trip in April with Travis' preschool buddies to Historic Yates Mill. Courtney and Dylan were tracked out so they got to come along. Because I know you all are curious, here's an excerpt from their brochure:
"The 174-acre park features Historic Yates Mill, a fully restored
18th century, water-powered gristmill, which is maintained
and operated by the private, non-profit group, Yates Mill
Associates. The mill is an excellent example of the evolution
of early industries in piedmont N.C."

It's a beautiful setting with a large pond, a trail circling the pond, picnic areas, and lots of wildlife.
The kids enjoyed being outside and wandering the area. We visited the exhibit hall where the kids saw how the mill works and got to try some of their hands-on activities. We walked a little of the trail, but the little legs couldn't make it the whole mile around, so we only walked a few minutes before turning around. We had a nice picnic lunch before leaving.

Travis' preschool class: Travis (far left), Logan (green shirt), Rachel (red scarf), Rebecca (purple & white shirt, far right).