Monday, July 13, 2009

Lander Trip #1

The next few posts will be all about our fun trip to Lander, WY to visit my family. It was so fun to be there and see my parents and grandma, and visit with lots of friends. Hopefully we'll make it back again next year.

Horseback Riding

One of the first things the kids got to do was ride Grandpa's horse. Courtney has been looking forward to showing off her horse skills for a while. They loved it. Unfortunately, Nugget was being a little stubborn and only wanted to eat the grass, instead of let Courtney perform.

Grooming Nugget before riding.

Courtney and Ian waiting on the fence while the little kids took their turn first. Carter wanted to join them.

Dylan was all smiles.

Travis was a little nervous at first, but relaxed and enjoyed the ride. Seeing Courtney ride a horse so often I think helped him to not be afraid.

Travis loved posing with this hat. So cute!

Morgan would not smile for me, but she's just too cute anyways.

Courtney, the pro.

Ian, just hanging out.

A natural cowgirl.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Loved our trip to Mom and Dad's. Wish we could have been there for the horse riding.