Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lander Trip #6

Grandma Jo Camp

Every year that at least a few grandkids are visiting my parents, my mom holds "Grandma Jo" camp. The kids love it and hate if they aren't in Lander when it happens. She even makes matching t-shirts for everyone. They had a great day filled with lots of fun activites.

Kicking off Grandma Jo Camp. They look good . . . and clean.
Front Row: Carter, Gracie, Travis
Back Row: Courtney, Grandma Jo, Joshua, Ian, Dylan, Caleb

Having fun!

Dylan and Caleb are such good buddies.

While waiting for Grandma Jo to get some things ready, I took the kids on rides on my dad's 4 wheeler. They had so much fun and wanted to just keep riding.

Courtney later learned how to drive it herself, with me on the back.

Taking Travis for a spin.

Then Kim and I took over when I taught her how to drive. This picture was when I convinced her to go fast. She was scared to death, but loved it.

Bubble Time

MMMM, watermelon is so good!

Hot Dog Roast

Can't have a campfire without s'mores!

Such a fun day.

They ended the day with a campout in the front yard. Actually, only the 4 oldest slept in the tent. The others played for a while, then went inside to their safe, warm beds where mom and potty were nearby.

1 comment:

ssh said...

FUN!!!!!!! makes me want to leave the city and go to grandma jo's!