Friday, March 20, 2009

1st Day of Spring

I'm loving the first day of spring this year. Usually it just depresses me seeing cold and snow outside and no hope of it leaving for months. But now, I look outside to the sunshine, warm temperatures, and FLOWERS!!! Blooms are everywhere, it is so pretty and happy. I get the faint scent of a nearby tree full of delicate petals when I go outside. It's so exciting to me. Here are a few pictures I've taken over the last few weeks in my excitment at having a real spring!!

Once I get used to all of this, I may have to move near my aunt Terri, where you can see it's always so beautiful.


Amy said...

beautiful pictures amy! i'm sure you appreciate the nice weather more than the average person in nc!

ssh said...

you're lucky to have things blossoming! it's still blah here in chicago :(

Kim said...

don't you love having a real spring? great pictures!

Terri Shane said...

hi amy,

I remember the eleven years we spent in Chicago, yearning for Spring. The tree in your pix with the
yellow blossoms is forsythia. I have vivid memories of nearly coming to tears every Spring when the forsythia came on! That meant Spring was on it's way!!!

Won't be long now :)

~Aunt Terri

Natalie said...

you're so lucky to see flowers and sunny skies!! so pretty!