Monday, July 14, 2008

Summer . . . Gone Already?!

Here are a few pictures of Courtney as we walked to the bus stop on the first day of school, which was last Monday. I can't believe she's in school already. They do year-round school out here, and after a 1-week break at the beginning of July, the new school year starts. Then it's 9 weeks on, 3 weeks off. Although her first break comes in August. I think it will take a while to get used to this. Then, in 2 years, we really get thrown for a loop. Dylan will be in 1st grade year-round, and Courtney will move to the middle school, a traditional calendar. Its so weird. But I think they are just trying to accomadate all the new people moving into the area. They can't build schools fast enough to fit everyone, so year-round is the answer. I'm sure we'll get used to it, but for now-school in July??!!

Now, doesn't she look so cute!! She really wanted these short baggy pants for her new outfit. I love you Courtney! You're so beautiful!


Kim said...

i really think i need to talk to your school about scheduling around OUR school year. that way it would make it so much easier to visit! what a good idea, don't you think?
and courtney you are a beauty!

Amber said...

What a cute blog and what cute kids and what a beautiful state you live in wow!! Courtney looks so cute-is she making friends yet? I think year round school sounds awesome! Miss you!!

Jill said...

i can't believe what a beautiful girl you have!

well, i mean i can...with such a cutie mom and all.

okay, okay, bruce helped.

sheesh! mmmm my foot tastes good!

Brooke said...

we had to do year round school for 1/2 the year last year (did that make sense?) and it was actually really fun, getting those little breaks when you felt like you were supposed to be in school.

but i'm with you... going to school in the summer. that's just wrong.

(and you're right-- she's beautiful. really, she looks just like you. to me.)