Monday, February 9, 2009

Trip to Tennessee

Me and the kids traveled to McMinnville, TN to visit my sister Kim a few weeks ago. It has just taken me forever to get these pictures posted. We had so much fun spending time with her family and meeting her newest little guy, Joshua. Our kids play really well together. They were out in the family room almost the whole time, we never really saw them much, which gave Kim and I lots of girl time. We watched movies, went shopping, made a ton of meals for her freezer, and ate really yummy but bad-for-you food. It was so great. Here's a bunch of pictures from that week.

The proud new mama. So sweet.

Joshua is such a sweet baby. He fusses when you try to lay him down in his bed. He's a little spoiled with all of us there holding him nonstop. But he's really a good baby and doesn't cry much.

Dylan and Caleb are such good buddies. They had lots of fun playing. Later, Caleb and Courtney found some things to do together, so Dylan and Gracie played together. Dylan will play with whoever will have him.

Here's pictures of all the kids taking turns with Joshua.

Big brother Caleb

Big sister Gracie

Courtney made a great babysitter for Kim. She would sit and hold Joshua for a while so Kim could get things done. She loves her little cousin. Her and I had to fight over him a few times.

Dylan, figuring out this baby thing.

Travis thought Joshua was great. I thought he'd get a little jealous with me holding him a lot, but he loved it. Is that a sign I need another one???


Kate said...

What a CUTE little guy! And your sister looks great for having such a new baby! How fun that you got to visit.

ssh said...

how fun! all the kids are so cute! you're lucky to live so close to your sis.

Kim said...

I miss you guys!!! I'm so glad you were able to come. And I'm loving my freezer meals!
Tell Courtney I miss her holding Joshua for me. I'm going to have to hire her to come out here and be my extra hands just so I can something done.

Brooke said...

yes, it's a sign! it's a sign!

and i love your new look. i wish i was clever with blog-cuteness layouts and such.

Amy said...

Oh I totally cheat. I get all of my backgrounds at Its all free and super easy. I can't decide on one background that I love forever, so I have to always change according to my mood.

The Shane Gang said...

how fun! I am jealous you all got to have girl time! You guys should just move next door!

Terri Shane said...

I LOVE when little boys play adventures with swords! Bobby did it all the time when he was little, sword in hand, off to fight his make believe friends in the woods in Alaska!