Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Thought We Moved To NC!

Last week, we got a big snow storm. Okay, it wasn't huge, especially considering what we used to live with. But for this area, it was big. Record snow falls of 4-6 inches. The entire area shut down for the day. All the schools were closed for 2 days. Bruce's office shut down. We had dentist appointments that were cancelled. Many businesses were closed. Basically, nobody left home unless they really had to. We didn't have problems driving, but for people who don't see this very often, driving is pretty dangerous. It's actually dangerous for us too because we have to be on the road with them.

The kids had lots of fun. They had a snowball fight with our neighbors, tried to build a snowman, jumped on the snow-covered trampoline. They stayed outside for a couple of hours enjoying this rare occasion. I stayed outside for about 20 minutes to take pictures, but then went inside for hot cocoa. That was enough for me!

It was pretty much gone within 2 days. Hopefully we won't get another storm like this for a few more years. Isn't that why I moved out here?


Brooke said...

awww, but it's so pretty!

glad the kiddies had fun.


Kim said...

looks like fun! but so cold. we're supposed to get some flurries next week--i'm surprised they haven't cancelled school yet:) We miss you guys.